Privacy Policy

TDS Group ( is committed to safeguarding your privacy online. We will use our best efforts to ensure that the information you submit to us remains private. Please read the following policy to understand how your personal information will be treated. This policy may change from time to time so please check back periodically.

Information Collection and Use


A user must register in order to utilize the job search and candidate matching service. During registration, a user is required to provide certain categories of information, such as name, address, college information, e-mail address and password. In addition, a user may choose to provide other categories of information, such as career objectives, prior work history, job related skills and other job search related information. encourages its users to provide all of these fields of information so that users may maximize the effectiveness of the job search and candidate matching services.

Passive Collection of Information:

In addition to the information that you actively provide to by methods such as completing the registration form, collects information about how you interact with our site. collects passive information for purposes such as testing and improving a user’s experience at the site and the compilation of broad aggregate demographic data and related usage information for internal purposes and for disclosure to third parties such as advertisers and content partners. The types of passive information collected by this site include, without limitation, your IP address, which type of browser you are using, where you go on our site, and how long you stay on any part of our site. Passive information does not identify you to by name, and does not link your IP address to your personally identifiable information.

Optional Information:

At various other points during your visit to you may be asked to provide information about yourself. For example, you may indicate that you wish to participate in a partner company sponsored contest. At this point your information would become the property of both and the partner co-sponsoring the contest. In instances such as this, is not responsible for the information that the partner company receives. Participation in surveys or contests or the use of other services that require the input of additional information is completely voluntary on your part, and you have the choice about whether to disclose the information necessary to use these features of our site.

Use of Information

The information that you supply to enables us to provide job search and candidate matching services. In addition, Buses your information in order to customize our site to your interests and enhance your overall experience at our website. tries to recognize you using various methods, including having you log in with your e-mail address and your password. Once recognizes you, pages, advertisements and other content may be customized for you so that you can see what interests you the most. In addition, as described above, utilizes passive information to learn more about how you interact with our site. This passive information may be combined with your other information for purposes such as testing and improving your experience at our site and the compilation of broad aggregate demographic data and related usage information for internal purposes and for disclosure to third parties such as advertisers and content partners. This aggregate passive information does not contain any personal information that can identify any individual user.

Applying to a Job Posting:

When applying for a job on, you respond directly to the employer and this is considered confidential information. Under NO circumstances does publicize your confidential response to any particular company.

Contacting You by E-Mail: may use your contact information periodically in order to send you e-mail regarding updates at the site. The frequency of these messages will vary depending upon your profile. In addition, we may send you free informational newsletters or notices relating to topics that may be of special interest to you, including job opportunities and job advice. Finally, if you specifically provide with permission at the time of registration, you may also receive commercial e-mails. Out of respect for the privacy of our users, we present the option to opt-out of receiving many of the newsletters and/or commercial e-mails whenever sends such messages. However certain communications from such as service announcements, administrative messages and the Weekly Newsletter are considered part of membership and you may not opt out of receiving them. E-mail messages from third parties are not governed by the opt-out provisions of this Privacy Policy, but all such third parties are strongly encouraged to include opt-out procedures in their messages to you.

Sharing of Information does not rent, sell, or share personal information about you with other people or nonaffiliated companies except to provide products or services you’ve requested, when we have your permission, or under the following circumstances:

We provide the information to trusted partners who work on behalf of or with under partnership agreements. These companies may use your personal information to help communicate with you about offers from and our marketing partners.

We respond to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process, or to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims.

Your Ability to Edit Your Account Information and Preferences

We limit access to personal information about you to employees who we believe reasonably need to come into contact with that information to provide products or services to you or in order to do their jobs.

We have physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect personal information about you.

Your account Information is password-protected.

Information we collect

Storage: To allow you to select your profile picture from your existing photos in the gallery. A good resume photo helps you stand out among other candidates.

Camera: To allow you to click your profile picture and shoot a video resume. A good resume photo or video helps you stand out among other candidates.

Record Audio: Granting this permission enable app to upload video resume for a user.

How we use it

Storage: When you opt-in for storage permission, we access your device storage like gallery photo and video.

Camera: Granting camera permission allows us to access the photo that you click to be displayed on your resume and videos you take for uploading as video resume.

Record Audio: Granting this permission enable app to upload video resume for a user.

To effectively provide and introduce any new Services to you, we collect and use certain information, including, but not limited to, such as:

We log your visits and use of our Services.

We receive data from your devices and networks, including location data.

We may further request and store additional information.

To monitor usage or traffic patterns (including to track users’ movements around the Services) and gather demographic information.

To communicate directly with you, including by sending you information about new products and services.

To deliver you a personalized experience. May come in the form of messages, delivering tailor-made ads based on your interest and browsing history.

Other Provisions

Acceptance of Terms / Changes to Privacy Policy: Your use of this site indicates an acceptance of the terms of the Privacy Policy. reserves the right to update or amend this Privacy Policy at any time.

We have contracted with Value Click to monitor certain pages of our website for the purpose of reporting website traffic, statistics, advertisement ‘click-throughs’, and/or other activities on our website. Where authorized by us, Value Click may use cookies, web beacons, and/or other monitoring technologies to compile anonymous statistics about our website visitors. No personally identifiable information is collected by or transferred to any party other than the Advertiser. For more information about how the information is collected and used by Value Click, please see Value Click’s privacy policy here.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Statement, the practices of our site, or your dealings with our site, please Contact Us.

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